About Vier London

Vier London is the result of over five years of research and development by leading UK cosmetic specialists. Our cutting-edge engineering and attention to detail have led to clinically proven results that are transforming the oral care of veneers.

Our vv1 varnish

Improving Veneer oral health

At Vier London, our objective is to improve the oral health of our patients by offering the most effective and innovative veneer care on the market. We understand that maintaining the health and beauty of your veneers is essential, and that's why we are dedicated to providing high end care and maintenance to all of our clients.

Dental Endorsements

Revolutionising Veneer care

Vier Varnish VV1 is a cosmetic oral care system that has been specifically formulated to address the difficulties with maintaining veneers. The unique formulation of VV1 is clinically proven to protect the surface of the veneers from damage and wear, while enhancing their appearance and extending their life. VV1 helps to maintain the aesthetic appearance of veneers, ensuring that they retain a uniform surface.

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